Dave's Stained Glass Projects

Sometime in early 2007 I started working with stained glass at Art Glass & More in beautiful downtown Homewood, IL.
Give them a call at (708) 799-3660.  For a good time, ask for Barb.

Here's my 1st project.  It's about 8.5 x 11.

My 2nd piece, it's nearly 2 feet tall.

Project #3, about the size of a sheet of paper.

This is something I made for an online friend. She keeps a few chickens in her backyard.

I did this 1 after surfing the web for patterns.  All you need is love, and a really big fist!

I can't call it Nemo, but it's still a clown fish!
Left-Facing           Right-Facing

This is the view you get when you're not the 1st dog in the sled team!

Another project for a friend.

A little something for my daughter. The pen is for perspective.

A rubber duckie wearing a black corset

This is the logo for Pendragon Chainmail. You can find them on MySpace
